Monday, August 10, 2009

Growing older

My neighbor noticed that our other neighbor had dug a hole in the yard and had left his tools in the dirt. They’re an older couple so we didn't think anything of it...a job started to be completed soon. We cracked a few jokes about stepping on the rake and getting bonked in the head by its handle then went about our day.

While mowing the yard, I happened to see this elderly neighbor back out in the yard, again working on this hole. Prime opportunity to ask what he was up to; “that it is a long way to China to escape from his wife”. He laughed and stated that his sprinkler line had begun to leak and he was on a mending mission. I happily put the lawnmower in the shade and walked to my "parts" box, dug out a few items that I knew he was going to need, and proceeded to lend a hand. Older folks have no problem telling you what is on their mind. He quickly looked me in the eye and asked, "What business of this is yours" to which I replied "I want to go to China to".

He told me that he was working on finding the leak for three days. Dig a little, rest, dig a little more, rest, and so on. He is a stubborn man. He and his wife are Italians from New York. It's no wonder we get along. I say this because he knows that I am available to help, but he is too stubborn to ask this Italian boy from New York for it (I learned quickly to look for problems in his yard, fix them and keep my mouth shut. There was a time I thought their rose bushes needed trimming. I did so, then was yelled at by his wife "Leave my damn roses alone!!" That is the exact moment we became friends). We proceeded to mend the broken sprinkler line and sat to chat in the hot sun.

It was during our conversation that he mentioned to me that his wife's dementia and Alzheimer’s was worsening, that he wasn't as strong as he used to be, and that they were looking to sell their house and move to Vegas where they have a daughter. They would move into an assisted living facility and be closer to family while still being able to enjoy the heat. Emptiness came over me as if this conversation was being had with a close family member. I flirt with his wife all the time...and my wife flirts with him. Their reactions are cute as they laugh and flirt back. There is a strong mutual caring for each household that is truly special.
Again, I let him know that if they need anything, to give me a call...both of us knowing damn well that it wasn't going to happen.

Growing older can be a challenge and it’s a part of the cycle of life, but somehow, it doesn't seem to make it easier to accept. I suppose that if you are prepared for it makes it easier to accept and becomes no big deal. Our neighbors have a big family and they will be well taken care of and will never be alone. If they do decide to move, they will be missed dearly. Now we have a great excuse to go to Vegas.

I think I’ll call my mom.

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